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Out ‘N’ About: Hula, Baby Expo, more

James Mane: The comedian on Tuesday heads an evening of standup presented by Mr. Aaron. Also appearing will be Michael C. Hall, Jose Dynamite, Jonny Sparkles Anthony Nigrelli, Michelle Welch and JC Kop. 8 p.m., Hawaiian Brian's. $5-$8. Ages 18+. 728-7146, mraaronpresents.com. --Courtesy photo

James Mane: The comedian on Tuesday heads an evening of standup presented by Mr. Aaron. Also appearing will be Michael C. Hall, Jose Dynamite, Jonny Sparkles Anthony Nigrelli, Michelle Welch and JC Kop. 8 p.m., Hawaiian Brian’s. $5-$8. Ages 18+. 728-7146, mraaronpresents.com. –Courtesy photo


International Waikiki Hula Conference, 80 workshops and seminars on hula, chant, history, crafts and more, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. today-Sunday, Hawai’i Convention Center. $250-$385. waikikihulaconference.com

» Free ho’ike hula shows in Waikiki: 6:30-7:30 p.m. today-Saturday, Kuhio Beach Hula Mound and four other locations per night (see website).

» Free “Kanikapila” closing concert: 6:30-9 p.m. Sunday, Kuhio Beach Hula Mound.

Hawaii World Class Wedding Expo, featuring fashion shows (7:30 p.m. Friday, 2:30 p.m. Saturday) and vendors, 6-10 p.m. today and 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, Hawai’i Convention Center. $8. 943-1067, brideschoicehawaii.com

John Mayall, British blues legend in concert with former Savoy Brown guitarist Kim Simmonds as opening act: 8 p.m. today, Aloha Tower Marketplace, $35-$60; 7:30 p.m.

Saturday, Honoka’a People’s Theatre, $40-$55; and 6 p.m. Sunday, Kauai Community College, $40-$55. 808-896-4845, lazarbear.com

16th annual T&C Surf/Surfer Magazine Grom Contest, keiki surfers age 3 to 12 compete in shortboard, longboard and bodyboard heats, 7 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, Queen’s surf break, Kuhio Beach, Waikiki (near Duke Kahanamoku statue). 483-8711, tcsurf.com/grom13

New Baby Expo, featuring 150 exhibitors, baby-crawling and shower contests, costumed kids’ characters and more, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, Blaisdell Exhibition Hall. $5.50; kids 5 and younger free. newbabyexpo.com

Hawaii Book & Music Festival, featuring 11 pavilions and stages, 500+ presenters, authors and performers (including PBS Kids host Mr. Steve, the Cat in the Hat, Curious George and other costumed characters, hula halau and musical acts Kupaoa, Amy Hanaiali’i, Jeff Peterson, Starr Kalahiki and Oil in the Alley), keiki rides, a food court, coffee bar, and 150 events including author readings, signings, films and the Bank of Hawaii Book Swap, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday, Honolulu Hale civic grounds. Free. hawaiibookandmusicfestival.org

Body Mind Spirit Expo, holistic and alternative-health presentations and exhibits, psychics and mediums, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday, Hawai’i Convention Center. $10. bmse.net

Aiea High Dance Program spring concert, 6 p.m. Saturday, H1 Dance Studio; and 4 p.m. Sunday, Pearl City Cultural Center. $5-$10. 483-7300, ext. 368; aieahighdanceprogram.com

Anuhea and Kimie Miner, in concert, 10 p.m.-midnight Saturday (21+) and 8-10 p.m. Sunday (all ages), Surfer, The Bar, Turtle Bay Resort. $20-$25. 293-6000, surferthebar.com


Royal Hawaiian Band, noon-1 p.m., ‘Iolani Palace. Free. 922-5331

Aloha Medical Mission 30th anniversary gala, 5:30-9 p.m., Hilton Hawaiian Village Coral Ballroom. $250. 847-3443

Mililani YMCA “Tribute to Dance,” creative movement, jazz, ballet, tap, hip-hop and hula classes salute a variety of artists, 6-8 p.m., Town Center of Mililani. Free. 625-0108, towncenterofmililani.com

Third Fridays Kaimuki, neighborhood walkabout with food samples, live music, art, shopping and special offers, 6-9 p.m., from Koko Head Avenue to Eighth Avenue. Free. thirdfridayskaimuki.com


35th annual Visitor Industry Charity Walk, 6.2-mile walk through Waikiki sponsored by the Hawai’i Lodging & Tourism Association with food, KCCN’s Shannon Scott and post-walk concert with 2 Big Hawaiians (Charge by da Pound) and Kona Chang, a benefit for local charities, 7 a.m. (registration from 5 a.m.), Ala Moana Beach Park, ewa end of McCoy Pavilion. $25-$35. 923-0407, charitywalkhawaii.org

Living History Day, interactive exhibits of soldiers, equipment, memorabilia and vehicles and re-enactors in period war uniforms, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., U.S. Army Museum of Hawaii, Fort DeRussy. Free. All ages. 438-2819

Hawaii State Numismatic Association Coin Show, coin, stamp, postcard, currency, Hawaiiana and collectibles vendors and door prizes, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Fleet Reserve Association Building, 891 Valkenburgh St. Free. 486-4766, hawaiicollectibles.org

Hawaii State Library 100th birthday party, featuring bagpipers and Scottish dancers, lion and dragon dances, Star Wars characters, kids’ storytime with balloon sculpting, hanafuda, games, drawings, cake, Miss Vamp & Count Dracula read-aloud and more, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Hawaii State Library. Free. 586-3500, librarieshawaii.org

10th annual Keiki Rodeo, fundraiser for Therapeutic Horsemanship of Hawaii with horsemanship show, games, pony rides, food, carriage rides, bounce house and more, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Waimanalo Polo Field. Free. 342-9036, thhwaimanalo.org

Keiki Bicycle Safety Rodeo, for ages 3+ and parents/caregivers, by the Queen’s Medical Center, ThinkFirst, Honolulu Police Department and Hawaii Bicycling League, with limited helmet giveaway, 10:30 a.m., Kapolei Public Library. Free. Reservations: in person at children’s reference desk. 693-7050

Ease Collection block party, local clothing manufacturer’s grand opening and first anniversary fete with live music, KSSK radio, barbecue, games and tours, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., 831 Pohukaina St., suite E. Free. 380-7555, ease-collection.com

Hawaii State Ballet open house, with trial lessons for boys and girls ages 6-10 with no experience and ages 7-11 with experience, 1 p.m., Hawaii State Ballet, 1418 Kapiolani Blvd. Free. Reservations: info@hawaiistateballet.com, 947-2755

Pandit Nayan Ghosh at Shangri La, Indian sitar and tabla virtuoso in concert at the historic estate, with open house and refreshments, 2:30-4:30 p.m., Shangri La, Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art (shuttles from 2:15 p.m. at Kapiolani Community College). $30. Reservations: 792-5503, shangrilahawaii.org

Diamond Bakery Truck Design Contest reception, cracker company presents the winning designs for its new delivery trucks, with entertainment by Wil Tafolo and refreshments, 4-5:30 p.m., The ARTS at Marks Garage. Free. 847-3551, diamondbakery.com

Hope Gala Honolulu — “Midnight in Paris,” American Cancer Society Hawaii benefit featuring performances by Broadway “Phantom of the Opera” cast member Rebecca Robbins, Starr Kalahiki, Shari Lyn and Samadhi, hosts Liz Chun and Howard Dashefsky, dinner by master local chefs and silent and live auctions, 5-10 p.m., Hawai’i State Art Museum lawn. Tables from $5,000. 595-7500, hopegalahonolulu.org

Honolulu Night Market: “I Heart Our Kakaako,” block party featuring shopping, food vendors, fashion show, live music (Camile Velasco, Erin Smith, Super Groupers), and live graffiti art and spoken poetry battle by the Youth Roots and Justice Project, 6-11 p.m., 683 Auahi St., Kakaako. Free. All ages. 772-3020, fb.com/honolulunightmarket

Kailua Town Pub block party, live music by Masters of Oz and the Country Stone Band, line-dancing, dunk tank, mechanical bull, beer and liquor tents, food, 97.5 Country KHCM and prize giveaways, benefiting the Wounded Warrior Foundation, 6 p.m.-midnight (pub open till 2 a.m.), Kailua Town Pub & Grill. $10 presale. 230-8444, kailuatownpub.com

First Unitarian Church of Honolulu 60th anniversary party, President Barack Obama’s boyhood church celebrates with sustainable-themed luau buffet and live music, 6 p.m., First Unitarian Church of Honolulu. $60. 595-4047, unitariansofhi.org

The Green, in concert, on “Take Me On” tour, 9 p.m., The Republik. $20 advance. All ages with adult. 855-235-2867, flavorus.com

Contradance, with live music by Whiskey Starship and instruction, beginners and all ages welcome, no partner necessary, 7:30-10 p.m., Atherton YMCA, 1820 University Ave. Free. 392-8772, contradancehi.weebly.com

Ian O’Sullivan, Oahu virtuoso guitarist performs classical, Hawaiian, jazz and other works in Hawaii Public Radio concert, 7:30 p.m., Atherton Performing Arts Studio. $15-$30. 955-8821


Bank of Hawaii Family Sunday: “School’s Out,” free admission day at Honolulu Museum of Art features art games and crafts, storytelling, dance with the Hapa Haole Hula Ohana, Twirling Girlish, The Movement Center and Akala Dance Studio, food for purchase and family film “Continent Hop,” 11 a.m.-5 p.m. (activities end at 3 p.m.). Free. 532-8701, honolulumuseum.org

‘Ukulele Slack & Steel Jam, Mele Mei event featuring Alan Akaka, Brittni Paiva, Cyril Pahinui, John Keawe, Makana, Maunalua, Nathan Aweau, Jeff Peterson and others, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Kapiolani Park bandstand. Free. 593-9424, melemei.com

Waimea Valley Kanikapila, Mele Mei event featuring the Abrigo ‘Ohana, noon-3 p.m., Waimea Valley. Free. 593-9424, melemei.com

Youth On Stage: Rio, 12-year-old ukulele sensation from Japan, noon, Hard Rock Cafe Honolulu. Free. 955-7383, fb.com/hardrockcafehonolulu

Comic Jam Hawaii, talk story with local hobbyists and professional comic artists and watch them create cooperative art, 1-4 p.m., Pearlridge Center, Downtown Center Court. Free. pearlridgeonline.com, 488-0981, fb.com/groups/comicjamhawaii

“Peranakan Chinese Heritage of Southeast Asia,” opening reception for exhibition with walk-through and Peranakan cooking demonstration, 1-3:30 p.m., East-West Center Gallery. Free. 944-7177, eastwestcenter.org

Hawaii Polo Club game, Wealth Strategy Partners vs. Equus Hotel, with halftime entertainment, 2 p.m. (gates open 11 a.m. for picnicking, beach use), Hawaii Polo Club, Waialua. $10; $25 clubhouse. 226-0061, hawaii-polo.org

“Race for the Vets,” family fun and military appreciation day by Flagship Fastlube with kart races, car show, craft fair, food trucks, DJs, music, radio personalities, contests and door prizes, a benefit the U.S. Vets Barbers Point homeless veterans facility, 2-6 p.m., Podium Raceway, Kapolei. Free. flagshiphawaii.com

“I Love Hula” concert, Donna Sylvester’s Aloha ‘o Pu’uwailani Halau performs in Castle Foundation’s free hula concert series, 3-4 p.m., stage between Macy’s and Pier 1, Kailua. BYO chairs, mats, food. 263-7073, castlefoundation.org

‘Iolani School stage bands concert, also featuring the Tam-Young Jazz Combo and Grammy-winning drummer Joe McCarthy, 4 p.m., Hawaii Theatre. $4. 528-0506, hawaiitheatre.com

Hawaii Youth Opera Chorus’ 52nd spring concert, music from around the world, 4-5:30 p.m., Kawaiaha’o Church. $10. 521-2982, hyoc.org

International Waikiki Hula Conference “Kanikapila” concert, 6:30-9 p.m., Kuhio Beach Hula Mound. Free. waikikihulaconference.com


Keiki clown show, with Bungie the Clown, 10:30-11 a.m., Town Center of Mililani. Free. 625-0108, towncenterofmililani.com


Chris Da Clown, kids’ activity, 10:30 a.m.-noon, Pearlridge Center, Uptown Center Court. Free. 488-0981, pearlridgeonline.com

Halekulani Presents the New Generation: Nathan Aweau, Na Hoku Hanohano Award-winning Hawaiian music artist in free Mele Mei performance, 5:30-8:30 p.m., House Without A Key, Halekulani Hotel. 593-9424, melemei.com

Kahuku Renaissance Faire, Renaissance art, activities, music and refreshments presented by Kahuku Intermediate School students, 6 p.m., Kahuku Public & School Library. Free. All ages. 293-8935

Laughtrack Theater Company inaugural show, first show in new space features long-form improv by recent graduates and veteran improv talent including Shannon Winpenny and Scott Hanada, 7:30 p.m., Laughtrack Theater at the Creative, 1116 Smith St. $10. laughtracktheater.com

Comedy Night at The Showroom, Mr. Aaron presents James Mane, Michael C. Hall, Jose Dynamite, Jonny Sparkles, Anthony Nigrelli, Michelle Welch and JC Kop in finale show, 8 p.m., Hawaiian Brian’s. $5-$8. Ages 18+. 728-7146, mraaronpresents.com


MAMo Wearable Art Show, Maoli Arts Month showcase of traditional and contemporary garments and jewelry by Native Hawaiian designers (Keone Nunes, Lauwa’e, Maile Andrade, Puamana Crabbe, Wahine Toa, Manuheali’i, Kini Zamora, Hina and Marques Marzan), 7 p.m. (silent auction from 5:30 p.m.), Hawaii Theatre. $17-$47. Trunk show and afterparty to follow at The Venue. 792-0890, maoliartsmonth.org


Art & Flea: “Vintage Flight,” monthly urban market and local arts party with 60+ vendors, host Ashtin Party, live music by Applecore and Streetlight Cadence, DJ sets by KTUH, Ross Jackson and Jetboy, live art, games, prize giveaways, a photo booth and food by Fresh Cafe and Kakaako Kool, 5-10 p.m., Fresh Cafe. $3; $2 if dressed as vintage flight attendant or pilot. All ages. artandflea.com

Hoomaikai Concert Series: “The Mikado,” Hawaii Youth Opera Chorus performs works from the operetta, 6 p.m., Hawaii State Library. Free. 586-3500

“Introduction to Magic,” free class with Mike Ching, by the Hawaii Magicians Society, 6 p.m., Kalihi-Palama Library. 234-5262, hawaiimagicclub.com

“Hungry Tide” film screening, award-winning Australian documentary about the rising sea level’s threat to lives in the Pacific nation of Kiribati, with commentary from Haunani Kane, UH professor Maxine Burkett and Hawai’i Community Foundation’s Josh Stanbro, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Church of the Crossroads United Church of Christ. Free; donations welcome. 949-2220, churchofthecrossroadshawaii.org

Mele Mei “Pakele Live!”, Tony Solis’ live-streaming Hawaiian music show features Maunalua, 6:30-8:30 p.m., The Willows. $34.95 for dinner and show; no-cover cocktail seating with pupu service also available. 952-9200


Augie T & Andy Bumatai, local funnymen star in new show hosted by Lanai, 10 p.m. Saturdays, Outrigger Waikiki On The Beach. $15. All ages. augiet.com, 923-7469

“Life Through Time: Dinosaurs & Ice Age Mammals,” new exhibit features 10 full-sized moving and roaring animatronic beasts, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily except Tuesdays, Bishop Museum. General admission $8.95-$19.95; ages 3 and younger free. bishopmuseum.org, 847-3511

“Aloha Live,” new outdoor Polynesian “cirque” luau show featuring aerialists, haka by Vili the Warrior and Polynesian song and dance; with preshow magic, comedy and dance; 5 p.m. Mondays-Saturdays (show 6:15 p.m.), Queen Kapiolani Hotel pool deck. $49-$199. 931-3328, alohaliveshow.com

“Creation: A Polynesian Journey,” dinner and cocktail show about the birth of the islands, including the first woman, with Polynesian song, dance and fireknives, 7:15 p.m. daily except Mondays and Wednesdays. $48.75-$160. 931-4660, creationshow.com

” ‘Aha ‘Aina: A Royal Hawaiian Lu’au,” oceanfront vignette dinner show paying homage to the site’s royal and sacred heritage with a dramatic performance, hula, song and Hawaiian artisanry, 5:30-9 p.m. Mondays, The Royal Hawaiian hotel. $89-$185. 921-4600, royal-hawaiian.com

“High & Right Comedy Night,” cocktail show featuring “Hawaiian King of Comedy” Bo Irvine and friends, 8 p.m. Tuesdays and Saturdays, Hale Koa Hotel, Warriors Lounge. $15. 531-4242, hawaiicomedytheater.com

“The Legends of Kualoa,” dinner show depicting Hawaiian legends of the area with music, chanting and hula kahiko, Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Kualoa. $29-$59. 237-7321, kualoa.com/tours/

“Magic of Polynesia,” illusionist John Hirokawa with dance and fire dance, 8 p.m. daily (6:45 p.m. dinner seating), Magic of Polynesia Showroom, Waikiki Beachcomber Resort. $30-$144. 971-4321, magicofpolynesia.com

Legends in Concert Waikiki: “Rock-A-Hula,” featuring Elvis Presley tribute, hula and rotating cast of impersonators including for Michael Jackson, Steven Tyler and Madonna, 8 p.m. nightly except Mondays, Royal Hawaiian Center, fourth floor. $47.79-$180. 629-7469, legendswaikiki.com

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