Mitchell Oliveira, visiting from Hawaii island, had a butterfly land on his head during “Flutter: A Green Experience” at Pearlridge Center’s 16th annual summer exhibit. The event runs through July 14. (Craig T. Kojima / ckojima@staradvertiser.com)
“Flutter: A Green Experience,” family exhibit features a Butterfly Pavilion with hundreds of live butterflies, a hands-on Exploration Station, weekend educational workshops (Downtown), and an eco-friendly make-and-take craft event with Keiki o ka Aina (2-3 p.m. Saturday, Downtown Center Court), daily through July 14, Pearlridge Center, Uptown Center Court. Butterfly Pavilion open for tours 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Mondays-Saturdays and 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sundays; $3 (free for kids 7 and younger with paying adult). Activities free. 488-0981, pearlridgeonline.com
Book sale, by Friends of Waimanalo Library, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. today and 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, Waimanalo Public & School Library. Free admission. 259-2610
The Rhelm Adventure Theater: “The Trouble in Wentrus Village,” walk-through adventure for children age 4-12 with hands-on activities hosted by live characters such as the Wizard, the Weaver, the Tinkerer and the Electrician in a village-vs.-dragon story, 6-9 p.m. Fridays, 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturdays and 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Sundays through August, Aloha Tower Marketplace, first floor, across from Gordon Biersch. $14.95. therhelm.com, 253-8602
Tanabata Festival, public invited to partake in local nod to Japan-celebrated star festival (recalling the legend of two star-crossed lovers who meet every July 7) by writing wishes on strips of paper and tying them to bamboo branches to be burned and sent to heaven, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Saturday-Sunday (Shinto service 2:30 p.m. Sunday), Daijingu Temple of Hawaii, 61 Puiwa Road, Nuuanu. Free. hawaiidaijingu.com, 595-3102
“Na Kane — The Men of Paradise,” new girls’-night-out Alii Kai catamaran cruise along the Waikiki coastline features 10-man male revue produced by former Chippendales performer David Abrams, 9:30 p.m. Fridays-Saturdays, Pier 5. $56-$64; packages $99-$159. Ages 21+. 954-8643, menofparadise.us
Plant sale, by the Oahu Nursery Growers Association, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sunday, Thomas Square. Free admission. ongahawaii.com, 395-9811
Xterra Freedom Fest, Xterra world championships qualifier with trail running, walking, mountain biking, swimming and triathlon events features live music and barbecue, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday (barbecue 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.) and 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sunday (barbecue 10 a.m.-2 p.m.), Kualoa Ranch. $10 for barbecue/concert tickets. 478-3694, xterrafreedomfest.com
12th Annual Hula Hoolauna Aloha Festival, featuring a hula exhibition with 45 performances 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday at Kahala Mall (special appearance by Manu Boyd at 12:45 p.m.) and a Japanese hula halau competition, hula demonstration and Hawaiian crafts and products sale noon-6:45 p.m. Sunday at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel’s Coconut Grove. Free. hoolauna.com, 926-4504
“Choo-Choo Soul’s” Genevieve Goings, Disney Junior vocalist and music video star performs live, 6 and 8 p.m. Saturday and 6 p.m. Sunday at Pas De Deux’s new film and TV studios, 94-404 Ukee St. No. 51A, Waipio. $15-$20. pasdedeuxhawaii.com
Royal Hawaiian Band, weekly free concert, noon-1 p.m., Iolani Palace. 922-5331
Salsa Lounge Fridays, Latin dancing nightclub event with prizes and food, 5-11:30 p.m. (dancing from 8 p.m.), Island Athletic Club, 1177 Queen St. (new location). Ages 18+. $5; $1 for UH students. 256-7556, hawaiisalsa.com.
First Friday Honolulu, walkabout celebration of the arts with music, performances, art, DJs, trunk shows and more, 5-10 p.m., downtown/Chinatown arts district’s galleries, museums, studios, theaters, shops, clubs and restaurants. Free. 521-2903. Schedule, map, parking information: artsatmarks.com
ARTmusicBEER, First Friday event featuring local-vendor bazaar Shop Bop & Grind with eclectic/jazz sounds by DJs Mr. Nick, food by Cafe 888, a Secret Beer Garden, and the Chinatown Artist Lofts upstairs on display, 5-10 p.m., Chinatown Courtyard, Mendonca Building, 1126 Smith St. Free. shopbopgrind.posterous.com
First Friday Second Annual Star-Studded Evening of Jazz and Blues, featuring Shari Lynn, Starr Kalahiki, Al Harrington, Chuck James Trio and Ernest Golden, presented by the Hawaii Friends of Civil Rights, 6-8:30 p.m., Hawai’i State Art Museum. Free. 586-9959
“Party Animals!” First Friday opening reception for “Zoonami” wildlife art exhibit, with DJs Monkey, JohnJohn and Toki, dancing, bar and pop-up Secret Record Store, 6-10 p.m., The ARTS at Marks Garage. No cover; favorite-animal costumes welcome. 521-2903, artsatmarks.com
Miss Vamp Hawaii Reality Show Launch Party + Count Dracula Hawaii 2013, reception and screening followed by the men’s pageant, with performances by DJ Nocturna, the Count Dracula contestants and Malia Delapenia and friends, 6-10 p.m., Honolulu Museum of Art, Luce Pavilion and Doris Duke Theatre. $20-$25. All ages. honolulumuseum.org
FRA After Dark, dancing and music (R&B, soul, reggaeton, top 40) by DJ Magic Mike for military and civilians, 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Fridays, Fleet Reserve Association, 891 Valkenberg St. Cover: $5 before 11 p.m., $8 after. 683-6440

Catch Bo Irvine and friends during High & Right comedy night at the Hale Koa Hotel. (Star-Advertiser File)
Rummage sale, benefit for the Performing Arts Center of Kapolei featuring donations from more than 30 families and electronics recycling, 8 a.m.-noon, Kapolei High School forum. packapolei.org, 683-8015
“Stories of Hawaii and the World,” storyteller and former librarian Dave Del Rocco spins mostly humorous tales, 10 a.m., Waianae Public Library. Free. 697-7868
“The Art of Taiko,” Kenny Endo and his taiko ensemble give a lecture and demo on the art of Japanese drumming, 10:30 a.m., Aina Haina Public Library. Free. 377-2456
Stevo the Clown, comedy, juggling, unicycling and audience participation for summer reading program finale, 10:30 a.m., Kailua Public Library. Free. 266-9911
Dig Into Reading finale, summer reading program concludes with keiki activities and crafts featuring dinosaurs, pyramids, pirates and more, 11 a.m., Hawaii State Library courtyard. Free. 586-3500
Martial Arts, Dragon & Lion Dance Extravaganza, 25th-anniversary celebration of the Chinese Lion Dance Association/Wah Yun Culture and Arts Academy featuring kung fu, wushu, tai chi and lion dance performances including the rarely seen Luminous Dragon, 3-5 p.m. (doors open 2:30), Roosevelt High School auditorium. Free; donations welcome. Tickets required: 531-2287, chineseliondanceassociation.com
Moiliili Summer Fest, featuring a bon dance by Moiliili Hongwanji Mission, more than 20 food vendors, pop-up shops (including Basique Threads, Cottage by the Sea and Eden in Love) cocktails and beer, live entertainment (Tahiti Rey & Jason Alan, Hawaiian Soul, taiko, more) and keiki activities, 5-10:30 p.m., old Varsity Theatre parking lot, 1100 University Ave. Free. moiliilisummerfest.com
Honolulu Surf Film Festival opening reception, sixth annual celebration of surfing kicks off with the live, Beatlesesque music of Mano Kane, food and drinks for puchase from Kona Brewing Co., and a screening of Nathan Oldfield’s “The Heart and the Sea”; 6-7:30 p.m., Doris Duke Theatre, Honolulu Museum of Art. $12-$15. 532-8701, honolulumuseum.org
Heather Brown’s Hawaii Skateboard Company launch party, surf artist launches skate line with meet-and-greet, autographs, cocktails, snacks and live entertainment, 6-9 p.m., Greenroom Hawaii, 2350 Kalakaua Ave. No. A-6. Free. greenroomhawaii.com, 924-4404
Bon dance, 6:30-10 p.m., Kaneohe Higashi Hongwanji. Free admission. 247-2661
Contradance, with live music by Whiskey Starship and instruction, beginners and all ages welcome, no partner necessary, 7:30-10 p.m., Atherton YMCA, 1820 University Ave. Free. 392-8774, contradancehi.weebly.com
John Cruz, Hawaiian musician in concert, performing repertoire favorites and new material from forthcoming CD, 7:30 p.m., Atherton Performing Arts Studio, Hawaii Public Radio. $15-$30. 955-8821, hawaiipublicradio.org
Smooth Jazz Concert, featuring visiting saxophonists Warren Hill and Jessy J, 8 p.m., Hawai’i Convention Center, Liliu Theater. $60-$85. 951-696-0184, tix.com, apaulomusicproductions
“Sky This Month” planetarium show, in newly renovated, state-of-the art J. Watumull Planetarium, 8 p.m., Bishop Museum. $4-$6. Reservations: 848-4168. bishopmuseum.org
Music at Sunset: Keahi Taylor, Hawaiian and other music, 7-8 p.m., Town Center of Mililani. Free. towncenterofmililani.com, 625-0108
Pepsi Day — Drink Aloha at Wet ‘n’ Wild, buy-one-get-one-free admission to the water park with a 20-ounce Pepsi product, featuring Live for Dance, Live for Surf and Live for Pong contests with cash, surfboard and Pepsi prizes, 10:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Wet ‘n’ Wild. General admission $36.99-$46.99. Contest registration by today: pepsidayhi.eventbrite.com
Disco Kidz, dance and art party for ages 2-12 and their families features a lesson in capoeira, noon-2 p.m. first Sundays, Loading Zone, 47 N. Hotel St. $15; free for adults. 312-4781, loadingzonearts.com
A Summer Strings Concert, students and alumni of the Sandra Wong String Studio perform songs inspired by the teen summer reading program “Beneath the Surface,” including “Yellow Submarine” and music from “The Little Mermaid,” 2 p.m., Kaimuki Public Library. Free. 733-8422
Hawaii Polo Club match, for the USPA Master’s Cup, followed by live music, 2 p.m. (gates open 11 a.m. for picnicking, beach use), Hawaii Polo Club, Waialua. $10; $25 clubhouse. 226-0061, hawaii-polo.org
Royal Hawaiian Band, weekly free concert, 2-3 p.m., Kapiolani Park Bandstand. 922-5331, rhb-music.com
Kaui CD release, local island reggae singer-songwriter performs, 6-8 p.m., Town Center of Mililani. Free. towncenterofmililani.com, 625-0108
Misia: Hoshizora VII Live In Hawaii, Japanese R&B singer in concert, 7 p.m., Blaisdell Concert Hall. $50. ticketmaster.com, 800-745-3000
14th Annual Te Mahana Hiroa o Tahiti, three-day Tahitian dance festival opens for the first time with a tamure marathon (Tahitian dance workshops for beginners), 5:30 p.m., Tahiti Village, Polynesian Cultural Center. $6-$10. polynesia.com, 293-3333
Wildest Show in Town: Manoa DNA, summer concert series with pre-concert family activities and prizes, short guided tour, picnic food for purchase and ukulele drawings for ages 6-12; 6-7 p.m. (gates open 4:35 p.m.; zoo exhibits close 5:30 p.m.), Honolulu Zoo, main lawn. $3; free for children younger than 2. 926-3191, honoluluzoo.org
DJ Battle/Go-go Battle 2 Love Fest finals, DJs compete for a chance to spin at Love Festival, 10:30-11:30 p.m., followed by a go-go dancers’ competition, 11:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m., Dave & Buster’s Paina Hale. 591-3500, oospot.com
Twilight Concert, featuring Air Force of the Pacific’s Small Kine Band, 5:45-6:30 p.m., Foster Botanical Garden. Free; BYO picnic, mat, umbrella. 522-7066
Vinyl Listening Party & Record Sale, featuring pop-up Secret Record Store, 6-10 p.m., Wing Ice Cream Parlor, 1145 Maunakea St. Free. fb.com/secretrecordstore
Ke Kani o ke Kai summer concert: Mark Yamanaka and Darren Benitez, with food from The Grove for purchase and galleries and exhibits open, 7 p.m., Waikiki Aquarium lawn. $10-$45; free for kids 6 and younger. Low sand chairs, mats OK. waquarium.org/kkokk
Asia Pacific Dance Festival: “Living the Art of Hula” concert, conversation and performances with kumu hula Robert Cazimero, Vicky Holt Takamine and Michael Pili Pang showcasing their halau, 7:30 p.m., Kennedy Theatre, UH-Manoa. $10-$20. etickethawaii.com, 956-8246 or 956-9492
First Thursdays Slam Poetry Competition & Open Mic, “no rules” summer show featuring international touring poet Marc Marcel, host Kealoha, music and live art, 8:30 p.m., Fresh Cafe. $3-$5. hawaiislam.com, 387-9664
“Life Through Time: Dinosaurs & Ice Age Mammals,” exhibit featuring 10 full-sized moving and roaring animatronic beasts, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily except Tuesdays, Bishop Museum. General admission $8.95-$19.95; ages 3 and younger free. bishopmuseum.org, 847-3511
“Aloha Live,” new outdoor Polynesian “cirque” luau show featuring aerialists, haka by Vili the Warrior and Polynesian song and dance; with pre-show magic, comedy and dance; 5 p.m. Mondays-Saturdays (show 6:15 p.m.), Queen Kapiolani Hotel pool deck. $49-$199. 931-3328, alohaliveshow.com
“Creation: A Polynesian Journey,” dinner and cocktail show about the birth of the Islands, including the first woman, with Polynesian song, dance and fireknives, 7:15 p.m. daily except Mondays and Wednesdays, Sheraton Princess Kaiulani. $48.75-$160. 931-4660, creationshow.com
“‘Aha’aina: A Royal Hawaiian Lu’au,” oceanfront vignette dinner show paying homage to the site’s royal and sacred heritage with a dramatic performance, hula, song and Hawaiian artisanry, 5:30-9 p.m. Mondays, Royal Hawaiian Hotel. $89-$185. 921-4600, royal-hawaiian.com
“High & Right Comedy Night,” cocktail show featuring “Hawaiian King of Comedy” Bo Irvine and friends, 8 p.m. Tuesdays and Saturdays, Hale Koa Hotel, Warriors Lounge. $15. 531-4242, hawaiicomedytheater.com
“Ha: Breath of Life,” a Pacific isle tale of birth and death, love and family, triumph and tragedy, with Polynesian dance, music and fireknives, 7:30-9 p.m. daily, Polynesian Cultural Center, Laie. $25-$50. Reservations: 293-3333, polynesia.com
Legends in Concert Waikiki: “Rock-A-Hula,” live concert experience featuring Elvis Presley tribute, hula and rotating cast of 80 superstar personas including Michael Jackson, Steven Tyler and Madonna impersonators, 8 p.m. nightly except Mondays, Royal Hawaiian Center, fourth floor. $47.79-$180. 629-SHOW (7469), legendswaikiki.com
“The Legends of Kualoa,” dinner show depicting Hawaiian legends of the area with music, chanting and hula kahiko, Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Kualoa. $29-$59. 237-7321, kualoa.com/tours
“Magic in Paradise,” buffet dinner show featuring mystery, fantasy, comedy and illusions with magician Mark Allen Mauricio, 6 p.m. Wednesdays, Banyan Tree Showroom, Hale Koa Hotel. $6.95-$35.95. 955-0555, halekoa.com
“Magic of Polynesia,” illusionist John Hirokawa with dance and fire dance, 8 p.m. daily (6:45 p.m. dinner seating), Magic of Polynesia Showroom, Waikiki Beachcomber Resort. $30-$144. 971-4321, magicofpolynesia.com
Society of Seven, 8 p.m. Tuesdays-Saturdays, SOS Showroom, Outrigger Waikiki on the Beach. $27-$47. 923-7469, societyofsevenwaikiki.com
Waikiki Starlight Luau, with interactive games, Polynesian dance and show, 5:30 p.m. Sundays-Thursdays, Hilton Hawaiian Village, rooftop of Mid-Pacific Conference Center. $51-$125. hiltonhawaiianvillage.com, 941-5828