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Out ‘N’ About: Vans Triple Crown, ‘Surf Art & The Surfer,’ more

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Saturday, Discover North Shore: Celebration of local food, fashion, music and art with farm-to-table cuisine by local chefs and restaurants, live music, fashion show, 6:30 p.m. concert by Fiji, Ooklah the Moc and Nesian Nine, a farmers market, vendor booths and art exhibits, 3-9:30 p.m., Turtle Bay Resort. Afterparties at Surfer, The Bar and Kula Grille. Free admission 3-6 p.m.; $25 for concert; $75 for VIP admission and afterparties. discovernorthshore.com. --Courtesy photo

Saturday, Discover North Shore: Celebration of local food, fashion, music and art with farm-to-table cuisine by local chefs and restaurants, live music, fashion show, 6:30 p.m. concert by Fiji, Ooklah the Moc and Nesian Nine, a farmers market, vendor booths and art exhibits, 3-9:30 p.m., Turtle Bay Resort. Afterparties at Surfer, The Bar and Kula Grille. Free admission 3-6 p.m.; $25 for concert; $75 for VIP admission and afterparties. discovernorthshore.com. –Courtesy photo


Live at Lewers: Jack Jones, Grammy-winning jazz singer in an intimate concert with the Hawaii Pops Jazz Trio, 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. today and Saturday, Halekulani, Lewers Lounge. $50-$85. 923-2311, halekulani.com

Hawaii Symphony Orchestra with Sir James Galway, the world-renowned flute player, violinist Ignace Jang and conductor JoAnn Falletta, in the fall Masterworks concert series, 8 p.m. Saturday and 4 p.m. Sunday at Blaisdell Concert Hall. $32-$90. 593-2468, ticketmaster.com

31st annual Vans Triple Crown of Surfing, kicking off with the Reef Hawaiian Pro 2013 at Alii Beach Park in Haleiwa. Holding period runs through Nov. 23: vanstriplecrownofsurfing.com

“Surf Art & The Surfer,” inaugural celebration featuring more than 25 artists, live music by Streetlight Cadence (today) and the Artis Family Band (Saturday), food trucks, vendors, vintage surf memorabilia, live art and special guests Fred Hemmings, Mark Cunningham, Al Frenzel and Clayton Everline, a benefit for community outreach programs; 7-11 p.m. today and Saturday, Surfing The Nations, 63 Kamehameha Highway, Wahiawa. Free admission. 622-6234, surfingthenations.com

Holiday Shoppe, in-home holiday boutique hosted by Jenny Maii with handcrafts, kitchenware, decor, art, gifts, 3-8 p.m. today and 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, 5228 Apo Drive, Aina Haina. holidayshoppehawaii@gmail.com

35th annual Holiday Boutique, in-home event with silkscreen linens, handcrafted dolls and gifts, clothespin ornaments and more, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. today and 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, 782 Pahumele Place, Enchanted Lakes. 351-1453

Schofield Arts & Crafts Holiday Craft Sale, quilts, ceramics, jewelry and more, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. today-Saturday, 919 Humphreys Road, Building 572 (bowling alley parking lot). Enter at Lyman Gate; ID required. 655-4202

Creations of Hawaii Fall Fair at Pearlridge, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. today-Saturday, Pearlridge Center, Downtown, mall level. 735-4510, ext. 1

Mele Trees of Light, free Christmas tree light shows with music; 6, 6:30, 8 and 8:30 p.m. Saturday-Thursday (continuing daily through Dec. 23) at Ala Moana Center, Center Court. Also: Pet Photo Night (cats and dogs) with Santa 6-9 p.m. Monday, and Santa Pajama Party (bring an unwrapped gift for Toys For Tots and get a PJs photo with Santa) 6-9 p.m. Tuesday. alamoanacenter.com

Things Japanese Sale, annual sale of donated Japanese items including dolls and ceramics; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesdays-Fridays and 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturdays through Dec. 21, Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii. 945-7633, jcch.com


Kuakini Health Systems’ annual holiday craft fair and bake sale, 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Hale Pulama Mau auditorium at Kuakini. Free. Sign-up: 547-9168. www.kuakini.org

King David Kalakaua birthday celebration, with entertainment by the Royal Hawaiian Band, Iwakuni Odori Aiko Kai and Halau Hula o Maiki, presented by the Mayor’s Office of Culture and the Arts, United Japanese Society of Hawaii and Honolulu Freemasons; 9 a.m., King Kalakaua Park, Waikiki (corner of Kalakaua and Kuhio avenues). Free. 768-6622, www1.honolulu.gov/moca

Hawaii Youth Opera Chorus concert, with vocal music by Kalihi Elementary School students, 11 a.m., Hawaii State Library lobby. Free. 586-3500

Third Fridays Kaimuki, neighborhood walkabout with food, live music, art, shopping and special offers; 5-9 p.m., Koko Head Avenue to 8th Avenue. Free. kaimukihawaii.com

Murphy’s 26th Anniversary Party, with live music including Sweet Corn and Peanut, 26 specialty beers from Sierra Nevada (celebrating its 33rd anniversary), tastings and food, a benefit for the Hawaii Children’s Cancer Foundation, 6-10 p.m., Murphy’s Bar and Grill and on Merchant Street. No cover. 531-0422, murphyshawaii.com

Film Friday at Coffee Talk: “Dragonfly,” screening with creator and Kaaawa native Sam Campos, 7 p.m., Coffee Talk, 3601 Waialae Ave. Free. 255-8989

Slightly Stoopid, San Diego reggae/hip-hop/ska/rock fusion band with special guests Barrington Levy, Makua Rothman and Don Carlos; 7 p.m., The Republik. $35 advance; benefits the Danny Way Foundation. All ages accompanied by adult. 855-235-2867, flavorus.com

The Bobby Ingano Trio, the steel-guitar master with Na Hoku-winning vocalist Gary Aiko and frontman Kaipo Ah Sing, 7:30 p.m., Atherton Performing Arts Studio, Hawaii Public Radio. $15-$30. 955-8821, hawaiipublicradio.org

Augie T “Laugh Your Holiday Blues Away” show, live comedy by the local funnyman, 8 p.m., Coral Creek Golf Course. $10. 479-0576

Boz Scaggs, Grammy-winning soft-rock singer-songwriter in concert, 8 p.m., Blaisdell Concert Hall. $75-$125. 800-745-3000, ticketmaster.com


9th Annual Da Hui North Shore Beach Cleanup, with treasure hunt, free barbecue, surprise live music and pro surfer autograph session, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Turtle Bay Resort. mahina@dahui.com

“Trash 4 Technology” Rummage Sale, of clothes, toys, books, tools, baby items, sporting and household goods and more, a school benefit; 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Trinity Lutheran School, Wahiawa. 621-6033

Kailua Adopt-a-Block and Manoa Adopt-a-Stream cleanups: City’s Storm Water Quality Branch hosts in Kailua (meet at Huakailani School at 8:30 a.m., pick up trash and mark storm drains on Hekili Street till 10 a.m.) and Manoa (meet at Woodlawn Bridge at 9:30 a.m., remove debris from Manoa Stream until noon). Bring water, hat, old covered shoes and sunscreen. cleanwaterhonolulu.com/storm/hero/adopt.html, 768-3267

Center Court Blessing & Opening Ceremony, with lion dance, Ala Moana Hula Show, refreshments and all-day entertainment on the new Centerstage including jazz fusion band Hiroshima (11 a.m.), 9 a.m., Ala Moana Center. Free. alamoanacenter.com

Kaelepulu Elementary School holiday arts and craft fair, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the school. 372-6752

Hanahauoli School Children’s Fair, “Voyaging Together: Hoe a Mau,” featuring the Polynesian Voyaging Society, keiki activities, pony rides, climbing wall, country store, local artists’ trucker hat art booth, fresh produce, face and nail painting, “hair scare,” games, entertainment and food; 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Hanahauoli School, 1922 Maikiki St. Free admission. Free parking, shuttle at Roosevelt High School. 949-6461, hanahauoli.org

Honolulu Rose Society’s Fall Rose Show, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Kahala Mall, between Longs and Macy’s. Free. honolulurosesociety.org

Kapolei Chorale concert, songs in four-part harmony with a flutist, soprano and hula dancer, 10-11 a.m., Hawaii State Library lobby. Free. 586-3500, 381-2063

Keiki Swap Meet, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Hawaii Children’s Discovery Center. Buyers free; sellers $3. 524-KIDS, discoverycenterhawaii.org

Santa’s Arrival & Holiday Experience launch, with host Mele Apana, Geoffrey the Giraffe, Santa Claus at a photo set, storytime, letter writing, gingerbread house, face painting, balloons, snow flurry tree and photos with Santa, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Windward Mall center court. 235-1143, windwardmall.com

TEDxHonolulu: “Cultivating Community,” fourth annual conference featuring live entertainment and inspiring presentations by leading local thinkers and doers, 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Hawaii Theatre. $73-$88. 528-0506, hawaiitheatre.com, tedxhonolulu.org

ArmBar Sports Bar and Grill grand opening, with live music, prize giveaways, UFC fighters Max Holloway and Dustin Kimura signing autographs (12:30-2:30 p.m.), UFC 167 live showing and more, 11 a.m., in Aiea Shopping Center. $10 cover. Children must be accompanied by paying adult. 888-0678

King Kalakaua’s Birthday Celebration, featuring a concert of monarchy-era music by the Royal Hawaiian Band, a review of the Royal Guard by a member of the Hawaiian royal family and tribute by Lodge Le Progres de l’Oceanie, 11:30 a.m., Iolani Palace. Free. 522-0822, iolanipalace.org

HHSAA Cheerleading State Championships, 2 p.m., Blaisdell Arena. $9. 800-745-3000, ticketmaster.com

Discover North Shore, 3-9:30 p.m., Turtle Bay Resort. Afterparties at Surfer, The Bar and Kula Grille. Free admission 3-6 p.m.; $25 for concert; $75 for VIP admission and afterparties. discovernorthshore.com

18th Annual E Mele Kakou Children’s Choral Festival Concert, with the Hawaii Youth Symphony II Ensemble and Hawaii Youth Opera Chorus — 220 youth singers and 90 youth musicians performing classical, holiday, Hawaiian and other songs, 5 p.m., Kawaiahao Church. Free. 521-2982

San Diego State vs. University of Hawaii football game, 5:30 p.m., Aloha Stadium. $20-$40. 956-4482, etickethawaii.com

Honolulu Night Market: “Splurge,” Street Grindz and Kamehameha Schools art/music/fashion/food block party features a discount trunk show from the Pinch of Salt retailers, a Matt Bruening resort collection fashion show, entertainment and food vendors, 6-11 p.m., 683 Auahi St., Kakaako. Free. All ages. 772-3020, honolulunightmarket.com

11th Annual John Kelly Environmental Achievement Awards, with live music by Taimane Gardner and Cynth & The What’s His Faces, dinner and silent auction, 6-10:30 p.m., Waimea Valley Pavilion. $60. oahu.surfrider.org

Honolulu Chamber Music series: Anderson & Roe, acclaimed piano duo known for its super-charged classical and original music, 7:30 p.m., Doris Duke Theatre. $20-$48. honolulumuseum.org, 532-8701

Odd Future, collective rap/hip-hop group, 8 p.m., The Republik. $35 advance. All ages accompanied by adult. 855-235-2867, flavorus.com

La Revolution, fashion benefit for Life Foundation featuring 12 runway presentations, live performances and emcee Erin Roxy, 8:30 p.m., Hula’s Bar and Lei Stand. $10. hulas.com

“Sky This Month” planetarium show, exploration of the current night sky on new star projector and into the depths of space with full-dome video in the newly renovated, state-of-the-art J. Watumull Planetarium, with live music, 8-9 p.m. (seating 7:45 p.m.) Bishop Museum. $6-$8. Reservations: 848-4168. bishopmuseum.org


Craft, Gift & Rubberstamp Expo Plus Crafters Clearance Sale, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Blaisdell Center — Hawaii Suites. Free entry. nanstar@hawaii.rr.com

Shichi Go San keiki kimono dressing, traditional Japanese coming-of-age rite with professional photography, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii. $65-$80. Registration: 945-7633, ext. 25; jcch.com

Kapolei Chorale concert, songs in four-part harmony with a flutist, soprano and hula dancer, 10-11 a.m., Hawaii State Library lobby. Free. 586-3500, 381-2063

Moanalua 99 Craft & Gift Fair, 35+ vendors, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. third Sundays, Moanalua 99 (formerly 99 Ranch Market), 1151 Mapunapuna St. Free admission. 479-5525

Bank of Hawaii Family Sunday: “Great Khan!,” free admission day at Honolulu Museum of Art features Genghis Khan-era battle demonstration by the Khanate of the Golden Horde, archery for kids, Mongolian tents camp, pumpkin catapult, art activities, Lego castle, drawing contest, animated film (“Happily Ever After,” $1-$3) and food for sale; 11 a.m.-3 p.m. (galleries open till 5 p.m.) 532-8701, honolulumuseum.org

India Cafe mini block party: Deepavali Festival of Lights, with Bollywood dance performances by Willow Chang, Indian food buffet, music and henna tattoo booth, 11 a.m.-8 p.m., India Cafe, Kailua Shopping Center. $12.95. 262-1800, indiacafehawaii.com

“Jodhaa Akbar” film screening, second half of the 2008 Indian epic historical drama starring Aishwarya Rai, in conjunction with the “Bollywood & Beyond: Costume in Indian Film” exhibit; 2-4 p.m., East-West Center Gallery. (Part two on Nov. 17.) Free. 944-7177, arts.eastwestcenter.org

Zack Shimizu at Spalding House, Sing The Body member performs amid the art of the “Now Hear This” art exhibition, 2-2:30 p.m., Spalding House. $10 museum admission; free for minors (includes entry to Honolulu Museum of Art on same day). honolulumuseum.org, 532-8700

DunkXchange, sneakers/ music/fashion/art trade meet visits Honolulu, featuring music by DJ Fresh 85, performances by Jeary Sylves and Prie, a fashion show, skatepark, basketball and soccer areas, Pow!Wow! Hawaii live art, local vendors and more, 2-9 p.m., Blaisdell Exhibition Hall. $15-$20; free for kids 8 and younger. dunkxchange.com, 800-745-3000, ticketmaster.com

Spanish Brass Luur Metalls concert, internationally acclaimed brass quintet performs a varied program of Bach, Verdi, Manuel de Falla, Duke Ellington and more, 2 p.m. at Hawaii Theatre. $35. 528-0506, hawaiitheatre.com

17th annual Honolulu Chinese Christian Chorus Thanksgiving Concert, featuring Celtic Pipes and Drums, HPU orchestra, Windward Choral Society, Honolulu Chorale, Kapolei Chorale, hula dance groups, 5 p.m., Honolulu Central Seventh-day Adventist Church, Nuuanu. Free admission. 924-9988

Choral Evensong, sung by the Cathedral Men’s Schola, 5:30-6:15 p.m., St. Andrew’s Cathedral. Free; calabash offering taken. 524-2822, ext. 217, thecathedralofstandrew.org

“Tell Me A Story,” short personal stories by 10 community members, this time featuring storytellers including Jeannette Hereniko, Willow Chang, Noelani Block, Steven Philip Katz, Sandra Simms and John Sweeney, with prizes to audience favorites; 6-9 p.m., CoXist Studio. $5. 436-4326

YO! Spirit of Asia, concert featuring acclaimed musicians Yutaka Oyama (shamisen), Akihisa Kominato (shakuhachi) and Ty Burhoe (tabla), 7 p.m. at Unity Church of Hawaii. $18-$25. 735-4437, unityhawaii.org


Bethany Hamilton meet and greet, pro surfer launches signature line of Cobian sandals and greets fans, 5-6 p.m., Island Sole, Ala Moana Center. islandsole.com

Tresemble and harpsichord concert, Chamber Music Hawaii with Thomas Yee on harpsichord, 7:30 p.m., Doris Duke Theatre. $20-$30. 489-5038, chambermusichawaii.com


Vans Triple Crown of Surfing Big Wave Symposium, featuring the world’s top big-wave riders with special demonstrations and presentations, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Turtle Bay Resort. Free. vanstriplecrownofsurfing.com

Music of Hawaii: Dennis Kamakahi, master slack-key guitarist and songwriter in concert, 7:30 p.m., Doris Duke Theatre. $20-$45. 532-8701, honolulumuseum.org

Talk Story: Sunny Garcia, Jodi Wilmott interviews the Waianae-raised world champion surfer, who will share a preview of his new documentary, 8 p.m., Surfer, the Bar, Turtle Bay Resort. $10 donation for Polynesian Voyaging Society. 293-9000, surferthebar.com


Kalei Gamiao at “Pakele Live!” Tony Solis’ live-streaming Hawaiian music show features the globe-trotting ukulele artist from Haleiwa, 6:30-8:30 p.m., The Willows. No cover; cocktail seating. Restaurant reservations: 952-9200. pakelelive.com

Los Lobos, Grammy Award-winning American Chicano roots rock band in concert, 8 p.m., Crossroads at Hawaiian Brian’s. $40-$60. 946-1343, hawaiianbrians.com, 896-4845


“‘Aha ‘Aina: A Royal Hawaiian Lu’au,” 5:30-9 p.m. Mondays, The Royal Hawaiian hotel. $89-$185. 921-4600, royal-hawaiian.com

“Aloha Live,” Polynesian “cirque” luau show, 7 p.m. (dinner seating at 6 p.m.) Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, Queen Kapiolani Hotel pool deck. $41.65-$99. All ages. 931-3328, alohaliveshow.com

“Creation: A Polynesian Journey,” dinner and cocktail show with Polynesian song, dance and fireknives, 7:15 p.m. daily except Mondays and Wednesdays, Sheraton Princess Kaiulani. $48.75-$160. 931-4660, creationshow.com

“Ha: Breath of Life,” with Polynesian dance, music and fireknives, 7:30-9 p.m. daily, Polynesian Cultural Center, Laie. $20-$50. Reservations: 293-3333, polynesia.com

“Fourever Fab,” new Beatles tribute concert show, 7 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, Queen Kapiolani Hotel pool deck. $33.15-$69. 931-3328, fb.com/foureverfabshow, foureverfabshow.com

“The Legends of Kualoa,” dinner show with music, chanting and hula kahiko, Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Kualoa. $29-$59. 237-7321, kualoa.com/tours

Legends in Concert Waikiki: “Rock-A-Hula,” featuring Elvis Presley tribute, hula and impersonators, 8 p.m. nightly except Mondays, Royal Hawaiian Center, fourth floor. $47.79-$180. 629-7469, legendswaikiki.com

“Magic of Polynesia,” illusionist John Hirokawa, 7:30 p.m. daily (6 p.m. dinner seating), Magic of Polynesia Theater, Holiday Inn Waikiki Beachcomber Resort. $30-$144. 971-4321, magicofpolynesia.com

“Na Kane — Men of Paradise,” 10-man Las Vegas-style male revue, 8:15 p.m. today and Saturday, Pacific Beach Hotel, Paradise Theater. $39-$59; VIP package $79-$119. 550-4444, menofparadise.us

Society of Seven, musical revue, 8 p.m. Tuesdays-Saturdays, SOS Showroom, Outrigger Waikiki on the Beach. $27-$47. 923-7469, societyofsevenwaikiki.com

Waikiki Starlight Luau, 5:30 p.m. Sundays-Thursdays, Hilton Hawaiian Village, rooftop of Mid-Pacific Conference Center. $51-$125. 941-5828, hiltonhawaiianvillage.com

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