HONOLULU PULSE STAFF / honolulupulse@staradvertiser.com
GUYS WITH ISSUES: Stand-up comedy showcase featuring John Campanelli. Openers include Shane Lucas Price, Adam Dooley and Eddie Cavett. Hosted by James Mane. Laughter begins at 7 p.m. at The Studio, Hawaiian Brian’s. Cover: $10. Call 779-5579 or go to marscomedy.com Must be 18 or older.
‘HEAVEN IS FOR REAL’: Movie starring Greg Kinnear opens at Dole Cannery. The film is about a little boy (Connor Corum) who as a near-death experience and tells his parents (Kinnear and Kelly Reilly) that he has visited heaven. Rated PG.
HO’OLAULE’A: Third annual celebration, 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Honolulu Community College, behind the Children’s Center.
Click here for additional Pulse event listings. To submit items for “Pulse Picks” consideration, email event details no later than a week in advance to honolulupulse@staradvertiser.com.