BY DERIN DEREGO / Special to the Star-Advertiser
What a difference a year makes. Seems like not so long ago that I was introducing myself to the blogosphere — and now here we are, the holidays I first wrote about hovering upon us once again. Since my first post last November, a lot has changed on the social landscape of Honolulu.
We’ve got a new mayor, Kirk Caldwell, who seems to take a genuine interest in the city’s well-being. We’ve gotten a plethora of new restaurants; some of my favorites include Japengo in the Hyatt Regency Waikiki, Whole Ox Deli in Kakaako and Rakuen Sushi Bar downtown. We’ve also seen the rise of a few new bars and venues like the SafeHouse inside The Republik and Pint and Jigger.
I’ve always thought change is good thing, especially in a place that sometimes feels like progress is hindered by the desire to cling to tradition. There’s definitely a delicate balance to embracing development and holding on to core practices that have historically proven to work. On occasion, change can happen pretty quickly here. We’ve seen hotspots and “it” promoters come and go pretty quickly. At other times, change can happen gradually and then be sped up by the entry of something new onto the scene.
One case in particular that I’ve heard a lot about is the demise of Wednesday nights in Chinatown. When I first started writing this blog a year ago, if you were out on a Wednesday you were in Chinatown. The stroll between Manifest and SoHo Mixed Media Bar was peppered with familiar faces and regular barflies. Fast forward a year, and things have changed dramatically.
My take on the change is varied. The main reason for the turn of events seems to stem from many of the regular party people opting to go out on Thursdays. Another reason Wednesday nights in Chinatown aren’t what they used to be can be witnessed by popping into one of the aforementioned new establishments. Many of the people who I used to see out on Wednesdays can now be found at more intimate spaces like Pint and Jigger or Dash Gastropub. It seems those who do go out on a Wednesday are opting for more mellow spots.
For those who still want to get their humpday party on, there are other options, like “The Crush” at SafeHouse.
Whatever the reason, the social scene has definitely seen a shift. Doesn’t it always though? And, by nature, shouldn’t it? Those of us who have active social lives tend to have abbreviated attention spans, so a change of scenery is a necessity.
Rather than resist change, the nightlife industry should embrace it and use it as a time of reflection. Ultimately, competition benefits the customer by forcing businesses to get creative to win their patronage. And I don’t know about you, but I could use a bit more creativity.
On that note, tonight there are a ton of things lined up for one of the busiest nights of the year. The Wednesday before Thanksgiving is to nightclubs and promoters what Black Friday is to retailers.
For starters, a bunch of the venues in Chinatown have banned together for “Chinatown Wednesday,” a pubcrawl with seven participating venues featuring drink specials and no cover. Also going down is “Wet Electric” at M Nightclub, featuring the sounds and lightshow of Kryoman. If you haven’t checked out “The Crush” at SafeHouse yet, that’s also an option. Last, but not least, there’s the return of “ME2″ at Addiction Nightclub. Flash Hansen and Blaise Sato team up again to bring DJ Politik to the infamous venue nestled in the basement of the Modern Honolulu.
So whether you’re a fan of change or steeped in the status quo, there’s something for you to get into tonight. Make the most of this legendary party night. You’ll have all weekend to recover — and great food does wonders for a hangover.
When he’s not out and about at the hottest parties and other events in Honolulu, Derin “Dare” Derego works as an account executive at a local radio station group. Reach him via email at or follow him on Twitter.