King Kamehameha statue lei-draping, 141st annual ceremony features performances by the Royal Hawaiian Band, Na Hoku Hanohano Award-winning musicians and Merrie Monarch hula dancers, 3:30-5:30 p.m., Ali‘iolani Hale. Free. 586-0333, ags.hawaii.gov/kamehameha
34th annual Pan-Pacific Festival, including daily performing arts showcases of Japanese song and dance, hula; ho’olaule’a block party 7-10 p.m. today; parade beginning at 5 p.m. Sunday. Today-Sunday, various locations throughout Waikiki and Ala Moana Center. (Complete schedule, Page 6.) Free. 265-7644, pan-pacific-festival.com
50th State Fair, E.K. Fernandez midway of rides, games and food with three new rides, the Amazing Anastasini family circus with Luciano’s Pound Puppies, Hedrick’s Racing Pigs, Crazy World 5D Adventure multimedia walk-through, Backyard Circus & Puppet Parade, and live entertainment; 6 p.m. today, 4 p.m. Saturday, noon Sunday (closing usually 11 p.m.-midnight); Aloha Stadium. Repeats through June 30. $3-$5; kids under 40 inches free. 682-5767, ekfernandez.com
32nd annual Orchid Show, Aiea Orchid Club presents displays, plant sales, lectures and demos, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. today-Saturday and 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sunday, Aiea Elementary School. Free admission. aieaorchidclub.blogspot.com
Summer Food and New Products Show, travel, food and new-product vendors from near and far and prize giveaways, 5-10 p.m. today, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday, Blaisdell Exhibition Hall. $1-$3; ages 12 and under free. 732-6037, pacificexpos.com
It’s Book Time with Ronald McDonald, music, magic and games to encourage reading, 10:30 a.m., Ewa Beach Public & School Library. Free. 689-1204
Sing-along with Uncle Wayne, summer reading event for ages 2-5, 10:30 a.m., Salt Lake-Moanalua Public Library. Free. 831-6831
King Kamehameha statue lei-draping, 3:30-5:30 p.m., Ali’iolani Hale. Free. 586-0333, ags.hawaii.gov/kamehameha
First Friday Honolulu, walkabout celebration of the arts with music, performances (belly dance, burlesque, more at Ong King Arts Center), art (“Walls of Fur and Fang” by Aaron Woes Martin at thirtyninehotel, Raku Ho’olaule’a demos at The ARTS at Marks Garage), art receptions (“Ceramic (R)evolution” at Louis Pohl), happy hours, DJs, trunk shows (Fighting Eel and Posh Pua at Florencia Arias Boutique) and more, 5-10 p.m., downtown/Chinatown arts district’s galleries, museums, studios, theaters, shops, clubs and restaurants. Free. 521-2903. Schedule, map, parking information: artsatmarks.com
ARTmusicBEER, First Friday event featuring local-vendor bazaar Shop Bop & Grind with eclectic/jazz sounds by DJs Mr. Nick and TripleByPass, food, a Secret Beer Garden, silent film “The General” and the Chinatown Artist Lofts upstairs on display, 5-10 p.m., Chinatown Courtyard, Mendonca Building, 126 Smith St. Free
Hawaii Youth Symphony, performing popular and classic favorites with alumni cameos, 6-9 p.m., Hawai’i State Art Museum (galleries open till 8:45 p.m.). Free. 586-9958, hawaii.gov/sfca/HiSAM.html
Peace on Earth Concert featuring Willie K, emcee Danny Kaleikini, The Stan Haugen Orchestra, Noel Okimoto, the Carmen Haugen Quartet and Gary Aiko & The Islanders, a benefit for the National Kidney Foundation of Hawaii and Lupus Hawai’i, 6:30 p.m., Hawaii Theatre. $25. 528-0506, hawaiitheatre.com
Japanese Buddhist temples bus tour, a look at some of Honolulu’s most prominent temples and embedded symbolic meanings with guides George and Willa Tanabe, 8:45-11:15 a.m. (check-in 8:30 a.m.), Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai’i. $20-$25. 945-7633, jcch.com
‘Iolani Palace Kama’aina Sunday, free admission to galleries and docent-guided tours for Hawaii residents with ID, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., and free audio tours 2:30-3:30 p.m., ‘Iolani Palace. Tickets distributed on first-come basis. iolaniplace.org
Mini craft fair, handcrafted soaps, mosaic tiles, vintage aloha shirts, hand-printed ladies’ clothing, cards and plants, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., 46-119 Aeloa St., Kaneohe (behind St. Ann’s church). 524-8286, 247-3177
Second Saturday Courtyard Bazaar, art, antiques, toys, crafts, collectibles, home items, books, clothes and gifts, with book-signing by “Journey of Heroes” author Stacey Hayashi, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai’i. Free admission. 945-7633, jcch.com
“ZumbaZumbaZumba,” Zumba fundraiser for Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii with prize giveaways, leotard outfit contest (Damian Marley concert ticket prize) and refreshments, 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., Fresh Cafe. $10. suelangwatson.zumba.com/zumba-fundraiser-6-8-2013
King Kamehameha Floral Parade, 97th annual celebration with floral floats, pa’u riders and marching bands, 9 a.m., from the corner of King and Richards streets (down King, to Punchbowl, to Ala Moana Boulevard, to Kalakaua Avenue, to Monsarrat Avenue) to Kapiolani Park. Free. 586-0333, ags.hawaii.gov/kamehameha
World Oceans Day celebration, Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System presentations, crafts, Department of Transportation Storm Water Branch activities, ocean-themed Dr. Seuss film and special “Honu by the Sea” presentation, 9 a.m.-noon, Waikiki Aquarium. General admission $2-$9; free for ages 4 and younger. waquarium.org
King Kamehameha celebration ho’olaule’a block party, craft vendors, Hawaiian entertainers and hula, cultural exhibitors, keiki fun tent, food booths, Street Grindz food trucks, free palace tours, special presentation of “Kamehameha Paiea, the Untold Story” (1 p.m., Kanaina Hall), free tours of the Judiciary Museum at Ali’iolani Hale (9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.), luau and makeke; 11 a.m.-4 p.m., ‘Iolani Palace, Kawaiaha’o Church, Ali’iolani Hale and Hawai’i State Art Museum. Free. 586-0333, ags.hawaii.gov/kamehameha
Bento Rakugo, local troupe shares the Japanese art of comic storytelling for summer “Dig into Reading” kids’ program, 10 a.m., Waialua Public Library. Free. 637-8286, librarieshawaii.org
Frank De Lima, comic helps celebrate library’s one-year anniversary, 10:30 a.m., Manoa Public Library. Free. 988-0459
It’s Book Time with Ronald McDonald!, 10:30 a.m., Aina Haina Public Library. Free. 377-2456
Uncle Wayne & the Howling Dog Band, Wayne Watkins and friends perform in summer “Dig into Reading” program, 10:30 a.m., Kailua Public Library. Free. Ages 3+ with adult. 266-9911
Geocaching 101, introduction to the game of hide-and-seek using GPS data for all ages, especially great for families, 10:30 a.m., Kapolei Public Library. Free. 693-7050, librarieshawaii.org
Second Saturday: “Paper, Clay and Wood,” free art activity (small make-and-take sculptures) with help from Hawai’i Craftsmen artists, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Hawai’i State Art Museum. 586-9958, www.hawaii.gov/sfca
Drive Away Hunger: Classic Car Show, 175+ vehicles from the ’20s-’80s on display with Hawaii Foodbank food drive, antique fire truck rides (2-4:40 p.m.), car-themed keiki activities (2-3 p.m.), prize and staycation giveaways, DJ Teley and live music, 2-8 p.m., Kahala Mall, rooftop parking deck above Longs Drugs. Free admission. 732-7736, kahalamallcenter.com
2nd Saturdays Poetry Slam and Open Mic, by Youth Speaks Hawai’i, 3-5:30 p.m., The ARTS at Marks Garage. $3. 782-7868, fb.com/youthspeakshawaii
Discover Kaka’ako, Ward Centers monthly food/fashion/music event, 5-9 p.m., Ward Centers parking lot fronting theaters. Free. discoverkakaako.com
Riddimfest 2013, featuring Baby Ba$h, Fiji, Ekolu, Maoli, Josh “Wawa” White, Swiss, Drew Deezy, Nesian N.I.N.E., Kaipo Kapua, Faithasia, DJ Songe and DJ Ill Phil, 5 p.m., The Waterfront at Aloha Tower. $40-$100. Ages 18+. 550-8457, honoluluboxoffice.com, riddimhouse.net
Saturday Night Mele: Ke Kani Nahe, Hawaiian music, 5-7 p.m., Waianae Mall. Free. 696-2690, fb.com/waianaemall
Folk dance, folk dances and music from around the world with instruction by Mandala international folk dancers, 7-9 p.m., Atherton YMCA. $3-$5 donation. 227-8033
“Back to the Brawl” roller derby bout, the Echo City Knockouts and Aloha City Rollers join forces to face Pacific Roller Derby’s The Bizznass in first interisland bout of PRD’s season, 7 p.m., Palama Settlement gym. $5-$7; ages 12 and under free. pacificrollerderby.com
“Sky This Month” planetarium show, in newly renovated, state-of-the art J. Watumull Planetarium, 8 p.m., Bishop Museum. $4-$6. Reservations recommended: 848-4168. bishopmuseum.org
Bonsai plant fair, by Pacific Bonsai Club, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Kilauea Recreation Center, 4109 Kilauea Ave. (next to Kaimuki Middle School). Free admission. 737-7156
Pan-Pacific Festival performing arts showcases, Japanese, Hawaiian or other cultural song or dance, 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Waikiki Beach Walk Plaza Stage, and 12-12:45 p.m., Ala Moana Center, Nordstrom Wing, third floor. Free. 265-7644, pan-pacific-festival.com
Hawaii Polo Club match: Argentina vs. Hawaii, followed by live music, 2 p.m. (gates open 11 a.m. for picnicking, beach use), Hawaii Polo Club, Waialua. $10; $25 clubhouse. 226-0061, hawaii-polo.org
Royal Hawaiian Band, 177-year-old band resumes weekly concert, 2-3 p.m., Kapiolani Park bandstand. Free. 922-5331, rhb-music.com
“I Love Hula” concert, Puka’ikapuaokalani Hula Studio performs in Castle Foundation’s free hula concert series, 3-4 p.m., stage area between Macy’s and Pier 1, Kailua. BYO chairs, mats, food. 263-7073, castlefoundation.org
34th annual Pan-Pacific Parade, Pan-Pacific Festival finale features the return of the huge Noto kiriko lantern float, colorful performers, drummers, dancers, high school marching bands and cultural groups from around the world, 5-7 p.m., Kalakaua Avenue (Fort DeRussy to Kapiolani Park; roads closed to traffic during event). 265-7644, pan-pacific-festival.com
Swing Dance Club Hawaii dance, free lesson followed by open dancing with music by Bert Burgess and snacks, 6:30-9:15 p.m., Palladium Ballroom, Ala Wai Golf Club. $8; $5 for members. 255-6095, swingdanceclubhawaii.org
“It’s Book Time with Ronald McDonald!” 1 p.m., Pearl City Public Library. Free. 453-6566
Honolulu Boy Choir’s 39th annual spring concert, “We Are Young Men of This Country,” honoring former Sen. Daniel K. Akaka, 7 p.m., Central Union Church sanctuary. Free. 596-7464
“Go Grandriders” film screening, Taiwanese box-office hit about 17 octogenarians’ road trip of a lifetime across Taiwan on scooters, presented by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Honolulu, 7:30 p.m., Doris Duke Theatre. Free. honolulumuseum.org
Royal Hawaiian Band, noon, Ward Warehouse stage. Free. 922-5331
Wildest Show in Town: Kapena, kickoff of summer concert series hosted by Roy Sakuma with pre-concert family activities and prizes, mini guided tour, picnic food for purchase and ukulele giveaway drawing for ages 6-12, 6-7 p.m. (gates 4:35 p.m.), Honolulu Zoo, main lawn. $3; free for children younger than 2. 926-3191, honoluluzoo.org
Bento Rakugo, local troupe shares the Japanese art of comic storytelling for summer “Dig into Reading” kids’ program, 6:30 p.m., Waipahu Public Library. Free. 675-0358, librarieshawaii.org
Rosalie Woodson Dance Academy’s 50th annual “Showstoppers,” student recital of various dance styles, 7 p.m., Hawaii Theatre. $16. 528-0506, hawaiitheatre.com
“Stargazing,” live star show teaching about celestial sights above, 7-8 p.m., Hokulani Imaginarium, Windward Community College. $5-$7; free for kids under 4. 235-7433
Jeff Hamilton, Tamir Hendelman and Bruce Hamada, award-winning jazz artists in concert, 7:30 p.m., Studio 909, 909 Kapiolani Blvd. $35, $45. 596-2121, musicianshawaii.com/studio-909
Twilight Concert, featuring Celtic Pipes and Drums of Hawai’i, 5:45-6:30 p.m., Foster Botanical Garden. Free; BYO picnic, mat, umbrella. 522-7066
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis and Neon Trees, Seattle duo and alternative dance band in special performance for grand opening of Ala Moana Center Microsoft store, 6 p.m. (gates 4 p.m., line from 2 p.m.), Kakaako Waterfront Park. Free; ticket required. Ticket distribution 11 a.m. at Microsoft store (grand opening) to first 2,700 people (two tickets each); line starts 10 p.m. Wednesday in garage at mall level two, mauka side. msft.it/NSO
John Cruz and Nathan Aweau, live in Ke Kani O Ke Kai summer concert, with food from Kani Ka Pila Grille for purchase and galleries and exhibits open, 7 p.m., Waikiki Aquarium lawn. $10-$45; free for kids 6 and younger. Low sand chairs and mats OK. waquarium.org/kkokk
Lanai & Augie’s Comedy Laugh Shack, with host Lil’ Guy, 8 p.m. second Thursdays, Boots & Kimo’s, Kailua. $12. All ages. 479-0576, augiet.com
Ongoing Shows
Augie T & Andy Bumatai, local funnymen star in new show hosted by Lanai, 10 p.m. Saturdays, Outrigger Waikiki on the Beach. $15. All ages. 923-7469, augiet.com
“Life Through Time: Dinosaurs & Ice Age Mammals,” new exhibit features 10 full-sized moving and roaring animatronic beasts, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily except Tuesdays, Bishop Museum. General admission $8.95-$19.95; ages 3 and younger free. 847-3511, bishopmuseum.org
“Aloha Live,” new outdoor Polynesian “cirque” luau show featuring aerialists, haka by Vili the Warrior and Polynesian song and dance; with preshow magic, comedy and dance, 5 p.m. Mondays-Saturdays (show 6:15 p.m.), Queen Kapiolani Hotel pool deck. $49-$199. 931-3328, alohaliveshow.com
“Creation: A Polynesian Journey,” dinner and cocktail show about the birth of the islands, including the first woman, with Polynesian song, dance and fireknives, 7:15 p.m. daily except Mondays and Wednesdays, Sheraton Princess Kaiulani. $48.75-$160. 931-4660, creationshow.com
” ‘Aha ‘Aina: A Royal Hawaiian Lu’au,” oceanfront vignette dinner show paying homage to the site’s royal and sacred heritage with a dramatic performance, hula, song and Hawaiian artisanry, 5:30-9 p.m. Mondays, The Royal Hawaiian hotel. $89-$185. 921-4600, royal-hawaiian.com
“High & Right Comedy Night,” cocktail show featuring “Hawaiian King of Comedy” Bo Irvine and friends, 8 p.m. Tuesdays and Saturdays, Hale Koa Hotel, Warriors Lounge. $15. 531-4242, hawaiicomedytheater.com
“Ha: Breath of Life,” a Pacific isle tale of birth and death, love and family, triumph and tragedy, with Polynesian dance, music and fireknives, 7:30-9 p.m. daily, Polynesian Cultural Center, Laie. $25-$50. Reservations: 293-3333, polynesia.com
Legends in Concert Waikiki: “Rock-A-Hula,” live concert experience featuring Elvis Presley tribute, hula and rotating cast of 80 superstar personas including Michael Jackson, Steven Tyler and Madonna impersonators, 8 p.m. nightly except Mondays, Royal Hawaiian Center, fourth floor. $47.79-$180. 629-7469, legendswaikiki.com
“The Legends of Kualoa,” dinner show depicting Hawaiian legends of the area with music, chanting and hula kahiko, Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Kualoa. $29-$59. 237-7321, kualoa.com/tours
“Magic in Paradise,” buffet dinner show featuring mystery, fantasy, comedy and illusions with magician Mark Allen Mauricio, 6 p.m. Wednesdays, Banyan Tree Showroom, Hale Koa Hotel. $6.95-$35.95. 955-0555, halekoa.com
“Magic of Polynesia,” illusionist John Hirokawa with dance and fire dance, 8 p.m. daily (6:45 p.m. dinner seating), Magic of Polynesia Showroom, Waikiki Beachcomber Resort. $30-$144. 971-4321, magicofpolynesia.com
Society of Seven, 8 p.m. Tuesdays-Saturdays, SOS Showroom, Outrigger Waikiki on the Beach. $27-$47. 923-7469, societyofsevenwaikiki.com
Waikiki Starlight Luau, with interactive games, Polynesian dance and show, 5:30 p.m. Sundays-Thursdays, Hilton Hawaiian Village, rooftop of Mid-Pacific Conference Center. $51-$125. 941-5828, hiltonhawaiianvillage.com