The Jamrock Edition of the Republik Music Festival will feature Damian “Jr. Gong” Marley and, for the first time in Hawaii, Santigold. Citizen Cope was just added to the bill, too. 7 p.m. / Kakaako Waterfront Park Amphitheater / $42.50 & $90 / 855-235-2867, flavorus.com
JUNE 16-22
Audience favorite Jon Nakamatsu is one of four headlining musicians at this year’s Aloha International Piano Festival. Various times / Hawai’i Convention Center / $10-$30 / alohapianofestival.com
JUNE 18-23
Those inventive, enigmatic musical “humanoids” of the Blue Man Group are here for a brief run of shows at the Blaisdell Concert Hall. Various times / Blaisdell Concert Hall / $40-$85 / 800-745-3000, ticketmaster.com
It’s life filtered through the sharp-witted mind of Brian Regan, a personal favorite of Jerry Seinfeld’s. 8 p.m. / Blaisdell Concert Hall / $39.50, $49.50 / 800-745-3000, ticketmaster.com
The Los Angeles guitar/drum duo El Ten Eleven produces a swirling and layered brand of instrumental rock. 7 p.m. / The Republik / $17.50 / 855-235-2867
Pinback: The thoughtful San Diego indie band makes its debut at The Republik on June 30; $27.50, flavorus.com.
Joan Rivers: The mistress of dish and true showbiz survivor brings her barbed humor to Honolulu on July 3; $45-$65, ticketmaster.com.