“A Cazimero Christmas”: Robert and Roland Cazimero bring the holiday cheer in concert, including performances by Halau Na Kamalei o Lililehua, Ladies of the Royal Dance Company, Miss and Master Keiki Hula 2013, and Lehua Kalima, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 13, and Saturday, Dec. 14, and 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 15, Hawaii Theatre. $28-$78 VIP. 528-0506, hawaiitheatre.com. (Courtesy photo)
» Hawaii State Ballet (Junior Company): 27th annual production directed by John Landovsky, with guest artists Sayaka Akiyama and Zoltan Boros of South Carolina’s Columbia Classical ballet. 7 p.m. Saturday and 1 and 4:30 p.m. Sunday, Mamiya Theatre, Saint Louis School. $15-$38. 947-2755, hawaiistateballet.com
» The tree is lighted 6 p.m.-dawn daily through Jan. 2; Honolulu Hale exhibit featuring decorated trees with an anime theme and wreaths representing “Blue Hawaiian Holidays,” open 8 a.m.-11 p.m.
» Enjoy free photos with Santa, 6-9 p.m. Saturday in the Gingerbread House.
Related activities:
» Trolley Tour: Through Dec. 30 (except Dec. 24-25). Departs nightly from Ward Warehouse (near Pictures Plus), 6:30-8:30 p.m. $6.50, free for ages 3 and under. Tickets available online only: goo.gl/hjc3ex.
» Waikiki Trolley: Through Dec. 30, with departure times 7-8 p.m. Board at ticket booth at DFS Galleria Waikiki. $15-$23, free for ages 3 and under. Reservations (at least five days in advance): 591-2561.
» Fire Truck Hawaii and Honolulu City Christmas Lights Tour: Enjoy the views from aboard an antique 1936 Ford firetruck (maximum capacity 12 people), through Dec. 29 (except Christmas Day); departs every 30 minutes 6-9:30 p.m. at Mission Houses Museum, 533 S. King St. $5-$10. Cash only. 781-7389
» Haleiwa Town: Today, 6 p.m. From Weed Circle through town to Haleiwa Beach Park.
» Aiea: Saturday, 9 a.m. From Pearlridge Elementary to Moanalua Road, Kaamilo, Ulune and Halewiliko streets, and Aiea Sugar Mill.
» Waianae Coast: Saturday, 10 a.m. From Waianae Boat Harbor to Waianae Mall.
» Waimanalo: Saturday, 9 a.m. From Waimanalo District Park to Hihimanu, Kumuhau and Humuniki streets, Kalanianaole Highway and Waimanalo Beach Park.
» Waipahu: Saturday, 2 p.m. From Waipahu District Park at Paiwa Street, Farrington Highway, Pupukahi, Waipahu, Leoku and Leolua streets, behind Waipahu Town Center.
» West Oahu Electric Light Parade: Saturday, 6 p.m. From Kamaaha Street/Kapolei Parkway west to Fort Barrette Road, Wakea and Haumea streets, and back to start.
» Moanalua Valley Christmas Caravan: Sunday, 2 p.m. From 1828 Ala Aolani St. to entrance of Moanalua Valley near the golf course and back.
» Olomana: Sunday, 2:30 p.m. From Maunawili Elementary to Ulupii, Ulupuni, Uluohao, Uluhala, Ulupuni and Ulukou streets, and back to school.
Waimanalo Country Farms’ Live Nativity, today and Saturday, with Christmas caroling hayrides at 5 p.m. and 45-minute Nativity shows at 6:30 p.m., 41-225 Lupe St. Free. 306-4379, goo.gl/78O5tf
A Touch of Christmas, with gingerbread-house decorating, ornament projects, games, prizes, balloons, a photo booth, live Nativity, 5:30-8:30 p.m. today, Salvation Army Kroc Center Hawaii, 91-3257 Kualakai Parkway. Free. www.kroccenterhawaii.org
“Christmas Lagoon: The Light Within,” take a scenic canoe ride through the lagoon, with musical performances, displays, arts and crafts, holiday-inspired foods and train rides for the keiki, 6:30 p.m. today, Saturday and Monday through Dec. 21, Polynesian Cultural Center. $5-$10. 293-3333, 800-367-7060, www.polynesia.com
Toys for Tots Zumbathon, 6:30-8:30 p.m. today, Neal Blaisdell Center, Pikake Room. $10 donation or bring a new, unwrapped toy; free for ages 12 and under.
Live Nativity at Kawaiaha’o Church, participants dress as Nativity characters, with live worship music, 7-9 p.m. Sunday through Dec. 23 (except Dec. 21), 957 Punchbowl St. 469-3000
Santa’s Secret Workshop, parent-child decorating of gingerbread cookies, arts and crafts, carousel rides, 9-10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Hawaii Children’s Discovery Center, 111 Ohe St., Kakaako. $30, $8 for additional adults. 524-5437, www.discoverycenterhawaii.org
Local-style Celebration of Christmas at Salt Lake Shopping Center, with make-and-take crafts, keiki rides aboard the Salt Lake S.C. Express train, photos with Santa (bring camera; or professional photos available for a fee), 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday. Free. www.saltlakeshoppingcenter.com
Winter Wonderland, 10 tons of snow for snow play, crafts, games, a craft fair, food, pictures with Santa, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Calvary Church of the Pacific, 99-400 Aiea Heights Drive. Free. 488-6825, www.calvarypacific.org
Aiea Fun Fair, entertainment, keiki activities, food, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday (after the community parade), Old Sugar Mill site on Halewiliko Street. 741-6047
Prevent Child Abuse Hawaii’s 27th annual Brunch with Santa, costumed characters, arts and crafts, a children’s fashion show, pictures with Santa, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Saturday, Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii, 2454 S. Beretania St. $30, free for under age 2. Proceeds benefit Prevent Child Abuse Hawaii. 951-0200, www.preventchildabusehawaii.org
Sing Along with Uncle Wayne and the Howling Dog Band, for keiki ages 8 and under, with holiday music, 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Hawaii Kai Public Library. Free. 397-5833
Meet Santa Claus, photos and Christmas wishes, 11 a.m. Saturday, Manoa Public Library. Free. 988-0459
Christmas Hoolaulea at Waianae Mall, food, crafts, games, photo booth, a visit from Santa and entertainment by the Royal Hawaiian Band, the Air Force Band and the Nanakuli High and Intermediate School Performing Arts Center, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday (after the community parade). Free.
19th annual Christmas Lights Boat Parade, “Magical Christmas Lights on the Water,” 5:30-8 p.m. Saturday, Ala Wai Harbor. Best view for spectators is from Magic Island. Presented by Hawaii Yacht Club and Waikiki Yacht Club. 944-9666
Puppet Times with Christy Lipps Ah Sing, favorite holiday stories come to life through handcrafted puppets, finger plays and songs for ages 3 and older, 3 p.m. Sunday, Kaneohe Public Library. Free. 233-5676
Pasko! Filipino Christmas Celebration, with caroling, dancing, food, “parol” lantern-making, a Christmas bazaar and emcee DJ Lanai Boy, 3:30-7:30 p.m. Sunday, FilCom Center. Free. 680-0451, www.filcom.org
“The Polar Express,” watch Robert Zemeckis’ computer-animated movie starring Tom Hanks (rated G), 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, Hawaii Kai Public Library. Free. 397-5833.
“The Muppet Christmas Carol,” watch the 1992 movie with Michael Caine (rated G), 6 p.m. Wednesday, Kaneohe Public Library. Free. 233-5670.
Allan Town display, check out nonagenarian Allan Wallace’s miniature display of a busy little town in full winter swing, through Dec. 31, Hawaii State Library, first-floor reading room. Free. 586-3500
Santa’s Gingerbread Village, “Hawaii and the World: A Global Holiday Celebration,” check out executive chef Ralf Bauer’s intricate and edible winter wonderland made of gingerbread and other sweets which is more than 14 feet high and 28 feet long, through Jan. 2, Sheraton Princess Kaiulani lobby, 120 Kaiulani Ave., Waikiki. Free. 922-5811

Hawaii State Ballet (Junior Company): 27th annual production of ‘The Nutcracker’ directed by John Landovsky, with guest artists Sayaka Akiyama and Zoltan Boros of South Carolina’s Columbia Classical ballet. 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 14, and 1 and 4:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 15, Mamiya Theatre, Saint Louis School. $15-$38. 947-2755, hawaiistateballet.com. (Courtesy photo)
32nd annual Christmas Extravaganza, with 125 piano students from the Masaki School of Music, 5 p.m. today, Ala Moana Centerstage. Free.
Hope Chapel Mililani, 5-8 p.m. today, Town Center of Mililani. Free.
Pali View Baptist Church, 7-7:45 p.m. today, Windward Mall, Center Court
Windward Choral Society’s sixth annual “Tis the Season” concert, with seasonal songs from around the world and an audience sing-along, 7-8:30 p.m. today at St. Anthony of Padua Church in Kailua, and Saturday at Windward United Church of Christ (across from Aikahi Shopping Center). Free; offerings welcome. 261-9879
Windward Community College Piano Program Fall Concert, piano students showcase their talents with Christmas, classical and popular music, 7 p.m. today, Paliku Theatre. Free; donations welcome.
“A Cazimero Christmas,” with Robert and Roland Cazimero and performances by Halau Na Kamalei o Lililehua, Ladies of the Royal Dance Company, Miss and Master Keiki Hula 2013, and Lehua Kalima, 7:30 p.m. today and Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday, Hawaii Theatre. $28-$78 VIP. 528-0506, hawaiitheatre.com
Way of Salvation Church, 7:30 p.m. today, Royal Hawaiian Center Royal Grove. Free. 922-2299
Ala Moana Centerstage, Saturday: Lincoln School Keiki Chorus, 10 a.m.; Masaki School of Music, 11 a.m.; the Performing Artist Academy, noon; Honolulu Wind Ensemble, 4 p.m.; Hula Hui o Kapunahala o Nuuanu YMCA, 5 p.m.; and Punahou Wind Ensemble, 6:30 p.m.
Karol’s Karolers, seasonal a cappella group with members of local church choirs, 11 a.m. Saturday, Hawaii State Library. Free. 586-3500
Punahou Winter Chamber Music Recital, student string quartets perform works by Boccherini, Mozart, Beethoven, Arriaga, Mendelssohn, Dvorak and Glazunov, 4 p.m. Saturday, Dillingham Hall, Punahou School. Free. 944-5829
Iliahi Elementary School chorus, 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Royal Hawaiian Center Royal Grove. Free. 922-2299
Castle High School Band’s Winter Concert, with the jazz ensemble, symphonic band and symphonic wind ensemble, 7 p.m. Saturday, Castle High Ronald E. Bright Theatre; doors open 6:30 p.m. Free. www.castleband.org
Kawaiaha’o Church Christmas concerts, 7-10 p.m. Saturday (with Hawaii Youth Opera Chorus). 469-3000
Hawaii Youth Opera Chorus’ 52nd annual holiday concert, “Home Is a Special Kind of Feeling” features 145 youth singers in grades K-12 and holiday favorites from around the world, 7 p.m. Saturday, Kawaiaha’o Church, 957 Punchbowl St. (Note: Wheelchair access unavailable.) Free. 521-2982
Honolulu Boy Choir’s 39th annual “Merriest Hawaiian Christmas,” with prelude music by Aileen Kawakami and Nyle Hallman, and special guests Jake Shimabukuro and Sounds of Aloha Chorus, 7 p.m. Saturday, Central Union Church, 1660 S. Beretania St.; doors open 6:30 p.m. Free. 596-5464, honoluluboychoir.org
Ala Moana Centerstage, Sunday: Scott Takata Piano Studio, 10 a.m.; Saint John the Baptist Choir, 11 a.m.; Halau Hula ‘o Leilani, 1 p.m.; the Movement Center, 2 p.m.; Glenn Nagatoshi Piano Studio, 4 p.m.; and Fong Piano Studio, 5 p.m.
Castle Dance Ensemble, 1-2 p.m. Sunday, Windward Mall, Center Court
Hawaii Youth Chorus, 3-4 p.m. Sunday, Windward Mall, Center Court
Advent lessons and carols, with professional musicians, unique music and world-class organ, 5-6 p.m. Sunday, St. Christopher’s Church, 93 N. Kainalu Drive, Kailua. Free. 262-8176
“Night of Delights” Christmas with Randy and Gay Hongo, pupu and music with six-time Na Hoku Hanohano award winners, 6:30 p.m. Sunday, International Baptist Church, 20 Dowsett Ave. $10. 595-6352
38th annual “Christmas in Ensemble” concert, the Honolulu Chinatown Lions Club presents this program featuring more than 40 students, ranging in age from 5 to 17, from Ernest Chang Piano Studio, 7:30 p.m. Sunday, UH-Manoa, Orvis Auditorium. $10-$15. Proceeds benefit music organizations. 536-0218
Melemai Kapu’uwaimai Christmas concert, hear seasonal music by the vocal ensemble, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Kapolei Public Library. Free. 693-7050
Ala Moana Centerstage, Wednesday: The Children’s House, 10 a.m.; Na Hoku (Star of the Sea School Choir), noon; ‘Iolani School Jazz Combo, 6 p.m.; and Vocal & Dance Expressions, 7 p.m.
Na Hoku (Star of the Sea School Choir), Christmas songs in English, Hawaiian and other languages, noon-12:45 p.m. Wednesday, Kahala Mall. Free. 734-0208
Halau Olapakuikalani o Hokuaulani, 7-8 p.m. Wednesday, Windward Mall, Center Stage
Ala Moana Centerstage, Thursday: Kaimuki Middle School Advanced Strings, 6 p.m.; and Merry Tuba Christmas, 7 p.m.
Halau o Hanauna Kuu Aloha, 7 p.m. Thursday, Town Center of Mililani. Free.
“A Washington Place Christmas,” take a guided stroll through the 163-year-old home, view the festive Christmas trees and learn about the long-standing tradition of this annual event, 5-8 p.m. Dec. 20, with a performance by the St. Andrew’s Cathedral Choir at 6 p.m.; $5 for adults. Reservations (by Thursday): 586-0248.
Habilitat Christmas tree fundraiser, noble, grand and Douglas fir trees, door charms and wreaths, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. at Stadium Mall, 4510 Salt Lake Blvd. (next to Ice Palace) and 634 Pensacola St. (McKinley Community School for Adults), habilitat.org
Queen’s Blessing, as an alternative to Santa, the Queen will bless keiki and be available for picture-taking, 6-7 p.m. Saturday and 7-9 p.m. Sunday-Dec. 20, Kawaiaha’o Church, 957 Punchbowl St. 469-3000, kawaiahao.org
Singing “Christmas grams” by Na Leo Lani Chorus, send a message to loved ones during the holidays through a singing gram (via telephone) delivered Sunday from noon to 8 p.m. $10 for one song or $15 for two. 429-9901
Santa Cruise aboard Navatek, cruise along Waikiki and the East Oahu shoreline with a prime rib buffet on lower deck or five-course dinner on upper deck, both with holiday entertainment and an appearance by Santa Claus, 5:30-7:30 p.m. daily through Dec. 25; departs from Pier 6 at Aloha Tower Marketplace. $55-$129; free for ages 6 and under; kamaaina rates available. 793-1311
Illuminated votive holder, for ages 4 and older, 11 a.m.-noon Saturday, Treehouse, 250 Ward Ave., Suite 233. $10. 597-8733, www.treehouse-shop.com
“A Lauhala Mele Kalikimaka,” create lau hala ornaments and view a display of varieties created by Lauhala Hui, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, Hawaii State Art Museum, 250 S. Hotel St.; galleries open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. 586-9958, www.hawaii.gov/sfca.
Keiki holiday Tillandsia terrarium, create a terrarium in a 5-inch glass ornament to be personalized with holiday bling, 2-3 p.m. Saturday, Paiko, 675 Auahi St. $40. 988-2165, www.paikohawaii.com/workshops
Furoshiki: Alternative Gift Wrapping, learn how to use a square fabric to wrap gifts, 3 p.m. Saturday, Hawaii State Library. Adults only. 586-3520
Sewing and holiday ornaments, create handmade Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa ornaments, decorations and gifts while learning basic sewing skills, 1-3 p.m. Sunday, Art Explorium, 1142 Koko Head Ave. For ages 5 and older. $20. 312-4316, www.artexplorium.org
Hawaiian wreath, create a holiday wreath using dried and fresh materials, 10 a.m.-noon Monday at Foster Botanical Garden and Thursday at Wahiawa Botanical Garden. $15. 522-7066
Holiday pottery sale, affordable ceramics by more than 25 artists and students, including stoneware, porcelain, raku and pit-fire vases, bowls, covered jars and bakers, planters, mugs, unique sculptural pieces and more, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. today and 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, Windward Community College ceramics studio, Hale Palanakila 216. 235-7323
10th annual Season’s Best Aiea Craft & Gift Fair, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, Aiea Elementary School, with more than 150 vendors. Free. 683-6064
One-of-a-Kind Craft Fair, with glass jewelry, hand-sewn items, dry-mix soups, scones, baked goods and more, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, Waioli Tea Room, 2950 Manoa Road. 455-8590
Aliamanu Middle School’s Holiday Book, Craft & Vendor Fair, with more than 40 vendors, gift wrapping and Hawaiian Precious Metals paying cash for broken or unused jewelry and coins, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, 3271 Salt Lake Blvd., Free. goo.gl/MgsQwa
Holiday Faire at Koganji Temple, with homemade goodies, signature sauces and herbal teas, jams, food booths, gifts and more, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, 2869 Oahu Ave. Free. blog.koganjitemple.org
Moanalua High School Winter Craft Fair: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, 2825 Ala Ilima St.; parking lot opens 8 a.m. Additional parking at Aliamanu Elementary School with free shuttle service beginning 8 a.m. Free. 738-5088, www.mohsmusic.com
Prince Kuhio Community Center’s Christmas Craft Fair, with more than 60 booths, music, halau performances and giveaways, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, 91-1270 Kinoiki St., Kapolei. Free. Parking available at Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. 394-0050, goo.gl/73pFzl
Holiday pop-up shop event, with more than 15 vendors, giveaways, raffles and prizes, 5-10 p.m. Saturday, YogurStory, 815 Keeaumoku St. Donate a new toy for Toys for Tots and receive a free gift. Free.
McKinley High School Christmas craft and gift fair: 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Sunday, with more than 90 vendors, a silent auction, door prizes and more. Sponsored by McKinley High School’s AVID Science Club and Kilohana Kai.
PetSmart’s Santa Claws photo event, bring your camera and take a picture of your pet with Santa for a $5 donation to animal welfare groups, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, PetSmart, 95-660 Lanikuhana Ave., Mililani. 489-9231
St. Nick’s Pet Pics, dogs, cats and small animals (must be leashed or caged) can pose with Santa, 6-9 p.m. Tuesday, Windward Mall Center Court. Enter through one of two main ground-floor entrances. Sponsored by Koolau Pets. Packages start at $21.
Pet Photo Night, cats and dogs only, 6-9 p.m. Monday and Dec. 23, Ala Moana Center (across from Centerstage). Packages start at $22.99.
Ala Moana:
» Photos with Santa: 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Mondays-Saturdays and until 6 p.m. Sundays. Packages start at $22.99.
» Mele Trees of Light: Sing along to holiday tunes as five Christmas trees display glimmering, dancing lights at Centerstage, nightly at 6, 6:30, 8, 8:30, 9 and 9:30 p.m. through Dec. 23.
» Santa Pajama Party: 6-9 p.m. Tuesday. Come dressed in pajamas and donate a new, unwrapped toy to Toys for Tots. Packages start at $22.99.
Kahala Mall:
» Santa’s Candyland, 9 a.m.-9 p.m. today through Dec. 23. Santa takes daily one-hour breaks at 1 and 5 p.m. Packages start at $20.
Pearlridge Center:
» Photos with Santa: Downtown Center Court. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. through Sunday and 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Dec. 23. Santa takes daily one-hour breaks at 2 p.m. Packages start at $25.
» Pearlridge Express: Through Dec. 31, keiki under 4 feet tall may ride a custom-built train, Uptown Center Court. 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Saturday, until 6 p.m. Sunday. $3; $25 for 10-ticket booklet.
Ward Centers:
» Santa’s Beach House: Through Dec. 24, with activities for keiki, photos, noon-8 p.m. Monday-Saturday and until 6 p.m. Sunday, Level 3 near Ward Stadium 16 theaters. Photo packages start at $19.99.
Windward Mall:
» Photos with Santa: 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Mondays-Saturdays and until 6 p.m. Sundays through Dec. 24. Packages start at $21.
» Snow Flurry Tree: Through Dec. 24, watch a simulated 15-minute snow flurry at the top of the hour between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. daily (until 6 p.m. Sundays, except during extended holiday hours) at Center Court.
» “Dear Santa” Letter-Writing Station: Through Dec. 24 at Center Court during mall hours. All keiki who write a letter will receive a reply in the mail. Postage stamp required.